Meoz Docs

Available for work

Contact & CVresume.pdf

Omar Zouiche

Aspiring Fullstack Developer

Focused on simple and efficient UI & UX solutions for the web

About me

Background : I graduated with a degree in mathematics from the University of Montpellier. During my Masters, I found myself completely engaged in a C++ class, directing all my efforts into it whilst leaving the rest. Which led to web development.

Self-taught : The univesity library was already my second home. The majority of my time was spent studying, problem solving or discussing math with friends.

I heavily relied on myself, which led to improvements in my learning skills and organizational abilities. I learned how to learn.

Following my curiosity, web developement seemed to be the best introduction to the programming realm, like for so many other self-thaught developers.

Through an Internship I can gain field experience, practical knowledge and develop a skill set. I want to collaborate with professionals, engage in meaningful projects.


Currently looking for an internship opportinity as a web developer in France.


Main Skills

  • Fluent in French and English
  • Frontend: React and Typescript for creating responsive and dynamic UIs, ThreeJS for more attractivness.
  • Backend: RESTful APIs, Serverless.. using Node.js, Python and Java
  • Programming: JavaScript, Python and C, foundation in logic, data structures and problem solving.
  • Social: Great communication, confortable in a team or working solo.



a browser local app to bookmark on data inside tables

Mess Board

a browser app to save text, code snippets, urls and images freely on a canvas, no tidy required

ozdocs v0

first iteration of my personal website


@EINs website prototype, fully functionning [aborted]


CPGE Technologies et Sciences Industrielles2017/2018

Lycée Léonce Vieljeux - Université de La Rochelle

Mathematics Licence2018/2021

Facuté des Sciences - Université de Montpellier

Master 1 Modélisation et Analyse Numérique2021/2022

Facuté des Sciences - Université de Montpellier

Bachelor in Web Application DevelopementCurrent



FrontendReact, Next.js, Typescript, Three.js
BackendNode.js, Python, Java, SQL, MongoDB
DesignFigma, TailwindCSS, Blender
ToolsGit, GNU/Linux, NeoVim

Contact me
